Congress Text Joel:2:25-27.
The Mantle.
Text: 2Kings:2:9-15.
The story of Elisha can be broken into two parts, before & after the mantle fell on him.
There can be complete restoration on a man, and the man can go ahead and get much more than restoration.
Elisha was a very influential man, yet he surrendered all and became a servant to Elijah. 1Kings:19:19-27.
The mantle fell on Elisha and he recovered all.
Elisha grew from having influence over eleven workers, to having influence over kings, and armies. The secret behind this was the mantle.
The moment the mantle fell on him the second time, he became an agent of restoration. Acts:20:25, Heb:7:7.
It is good to have restoration, but it's better to become an agent of restoration. 2kings:2:19-22. Elisha has the mantle of Elijah, but you and I can have the mantle of Jesus Christ.
Elijah was a mighty man, but Jesus Christ is the Almighty, and there is a difference between mighty and the Almighty.
The Holy Spirit fell on Peter twice. Acts: 2:1-5, 4:31
The effect of the mantle on Elisha was permanent, that's why his bones after death was still performing miracles.
Jesus Christ has promised that The Holy Spirit will abide with us.
Elisha received the mantle twice, but we can be drunk in The Holy Spirit daily. Eph:5:18.
You don't have to be General Overseer for God to use you, all you need is the Holy Spirit, and a hunger to be an agent of restoration.
The hunger for money & material things is a waste of time.
Hunger for anointing to raise the dead, heal the sick etc, then money will begin to look for you.
Elisha's journey to destiny began with a meal.
Tonight's communion will mark a beginning of a new era in my life. Psalm:23:5.
Prayer Points.
(1) Lord I am thirsty, I want to become an agent of restoration, I don't want to leave here the same way I came, please make me an agent of restoration in Jesus Name.
(2) Father, anything that can hinder me from becoming a vessel unto honour in Your Hands, please terminate tonight in Jesus Name.
(3) Father, everything I need to become an agent of restoration, please release unto me tonight in Jesus Name.
(4) Almighty God, please allow the Mantle of Jesus Christ to fall upon me tonight.