The Healing Virtues for The Restoration of Health
Bible Passages: Joel 2:25-27, Mk. 5:25-34
Ministering: Pastor E.A. Adeboye
We learnt yesterday that when sin came, curse came. Curse is a silent, progressive and relentless killer.
The case of the woman with the issue of blood is a classical example because nobody heard the noise of the rushing blood.
Not all death are sudden, a lot come silently.
Majority of Christians are neither sick nor well. Lev. 17:11- the life of the animal is in the blood
She was losing life, then strength, resources and joy (Joel 1:12), Glory be to God that there is the One who is Life (Jn. 14:6).
Contact with Him makes all the difference. She knew that just a contact with Him will make her whole.
Isa. 59:1-2- about sin problem even though there is enough power in the hand of God and He can hear. His power is present to heal.
As powerful as He is to heal, the sin will act as an insulator such that His power will not be able to flow to and through you.
Majority of Christians don't know the several things call sin. Maybe when they know, maybe they take it lightly.
If you are angry against your Neighbour
If you are bitter against your Neighbour - Heb. 12:15
If you come to the Lord's table for Holy Communion and there is a brother or sister that you have grudges against and you don't have the mind to forgive the fellow-1Corin. 11:29-30. The person can even die.
The great danger in not being a soul winner - Jn. 15:1-2, 6.
Many are sick and they don't know why. When you are whole what is your usefulness to God?
The issue of sin with sickness is so crucial that Jesus said "son, they sin be forgiven thee" - Mk. 2:1-12.
B) There are steps to follow in the path to complete restoration.
In the case of this woman:
1. You stop the bleeding. Stop the leakage.
2. Deal with that which was causing the bleeding. Remove what was causing the leakage called PLAGUE.
3. Take care of the loss in order to cause complete restoration. Then you go in peace as the restoration is complete.
Some Examples
1. Malachi 3:8-11
If you are to prosper financially is stop the curse. God will deal will the curse, rebuke the devourer and cause complete restoration.
2. Lk. 7:11-15
3. Acts 12, Jer. 32:27, Ex. 15:26
1. Praise Him till He draws near to you.
2. Father, please in Jesus' Name, stop every leakage in my life.
3. Father, please in Jesus' Name, destroy every blood sucker in my family. Deal with them tonight.
4. Father, please restore me to full health physically, financially, maritally, mentally, etc.