Resist the Devil
Congress Text: Joel 2:25-27_

_*Tonight Text:* James 4:7_
_*James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.*_
_We need to deal with the Devil because he is the greatest trouble maker_
_1 John 3:8_
_Philippians 4:13 - The Devil can be resisted_
_Devil must be resisted - Mark 16:17_
_Devil is not to be worshipped - Exodus 20:3_
_Devil is not to be Glorified - Acts 8: 9- 14_
_Devil is not to be tolerated - Mathew 15:21 - 28_
_Devil is not to be Accommodated - Mark 5:11 - 13_
_*Every blood sucker in your family will not see the new year*_
_Devil is not to be Served - Mathew 4: 8 - 10_
_Devil is not to be Loved - Mark 12: 30-31_
_Devil is not to be Advertised - Acts 1:8_
_God cannot lie - He said resist the Devil and he will flee from you - Numbers 23:19_
_The devil refuses to flee because you are still living in Sin - 1 John 3:8_
_Acts 19: 11-17 - You cannot cast out demons if you are a Christian and also a member of Secret society_
_*The moment you submit yourself to Jesus , then you can resist the devil*_
_1 Peter 5:8- 9 Resist the devil steadfastly and not casually_
_Zechariah 4:6, 1 John 4:4_
1. *It is time to tell the devil that he can not touch my family - Genesis 14. 1-16*_
_*PP: Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, no members of my family will go to hell*_
2, _*It is time to refuse Satan not to control my future*_
_2 Kings 4: 1 - 7 - Children are being tormented today and some parents fold their hands doing nothing about it_
_1 Samuel 25:1 - 42_
_*PP: Father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I decree Satan take your hand off my Children*_
3:_*It is time to tell the devil that he can't have my dreams - Genesis 39*_
_*PP: Father in the mighty name of Jesus, satan will not destroy my dreams, I will become what you want me to become.*_
4: _*It is time to tell the devil that he cannot steal my blessings: Genesis 22: 1- 18*_
_*PP: Father from now on the devil will not steal my blessings*_
5: _*It is time to tell the devil that he can no longer steal my breakthrough - Mark 10:46 - 52*_
_*PP: Father this very night my breakthrough must come*_
6. _*It is time to tell the devil that he cannot have my Crowns - 1 Samuel 17*_
_*Revelation 3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.*_
_*Father in the mighty name of Jesus, nobody will take my crown, I will serve God to the end. Satan you will not take my crown*_
_*Satan I command in the mighty of Jesus, leave my neighbour alone*_