the One who is our Savior, our Healer, our Deliverer. Give Him glory, give Him
honor, give Him adoration bless His holy name, He is worthy to be praised, He
is worthy.
His holy name, praise His holy name, give Him glory, give Him honor, give Him
you Father, we bless Your name. You are worthy to be praised, You are worthy to
be honored, You are worthy to be magnified. Thank you Almighty. In
Jesus mighty name we worship.
your voice to Him and say Father, in my life tonight; show that you are the
Almighty.... In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Oh come
let us adore him
He is
Christ, Christ the Lord,
Oh come
let us adore him
He is
Christ, Christ the Lord,
Oh come
let us adore him
He is
Christ, Christ the Lord,
you alone is Worthy, you alone is Holy, you alone is Mighty, you alone is
Powerful, Faithful, Loving, Merciful, Kind, Generous, glory be to your holy
you for what you did yesterday, thank you for what you are about to do now,
thank you for what you will do tomorrow, accept out thanks in Jesus name.
you Father, The Lord said there is someone here tonight, you are saying; will I
see the New Year? The Lord says I should tell you, you will see many more
we just want to say we love you, we thank you for all you have done, we thank
you for what you will yet do, glory be to your holy name.
Father, in all our lives; do something new, do something powerful, do something
glorious, do something divine, at the end of everything, Lord, let your name be
glorified again, by the time we are all going home, let us sing a new song.
you Father, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
somebody shout halleluiah!
Father and my God I commit your children born in month of December into your
hands, December is the twelve month of the year and twelve is the number of
these your children; make them pillars in their homes, make them pillars in
their churches, make them pillars in their places of job, make them pillars in
their nations.
give them a brand new beginning, a new beginning of joy, a new beginning of
success, a new beginning of promotion, a new beginning of anointing and a new
beginning of a closer work with you, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.
Psalm 23 the Lord
is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures;
he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in
the path of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; thou art with me, thy rod
and thy staff they comfort me. Thou prepares a table before me in the presence
of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over, surely
goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of mine life and I will dwell
in the house of the LORD forever.
The blessings that
can be mine if the Lord is my Shepherd and I am his sheep, sheep not goat, the
blessings that will accrue to me if I am a sheep of Jesus Christ can be put
into fourteen basic categories.
I will rush over them
but if you want the details you can get my book written on Psalm 23.
Number one; if you are a sheep of
the Lord Jesus Christ, you will never lack for rest. He said he maketh me to
lie down; when you are a sheep you will not lack for sleep. Psalm 127 v 2 says
He gives his beloved sleep. Sleeplessness is not for sheep of Jesus Christ.
Number two; if I am His sheep, I will be well feed. Hunger will be a stranger to me, because He causes me to lie down in green pasture. Psalm 63 v 5 says my soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness.
Number three; if I am His sheep my thirst shall be satisfied because He leads me besides still waters. Mathew 5 v 6 He said blessed are those who do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be satisfied.
Number four; if I am His sheep, I will not lack restoration because He says He restores my soul. In Joel 2 v 23-26 He promised that He will restore the years that the cankerworm has eaten.
Number five; if I am one of His sheep, I will not lack guidance because He says He leadeth me in the path of righteousness. In John 15 v 12-13 He said He will arrange for the Holy Spirit to guide me.
Number six; if I am one of His sheep I will have nothing to fear, because I will enjoy divine presence. He said even though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for Thou art with me. I will have nothing to fear, because I will enjoy divine presence. Hebrews 13 v 5 he said I will never leave you, I will never forsake you.
Number seven; if I am one of His sheep I will not lack for comfort. Because He said Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. In John 14 v 16, the Great Shepherd promises me, that He will send me the Holy Spirit the Great Comforter, who will abide with me forever. And because I will have the rod that will be correcting me anytime I went stray and the staff that will guarantee my protection, I will be comforted all the time.
Number eight; if I am one of His sheep I will always enjoy generous divine provision. Because He said He said Thou prepares a table before me. Psalm 13 v 6 David said I will sing unto the Lord. Because He has dealt bountifully with me.
Number nine; if I am one of His
sheep, I will enjoy divine security because He said Thou prepares table before
me in the presence of my enemies, I will be secure even in the presence of mine
enemies because Proverbs 18 v 10 the Bible says the name of the Lord is a
strong tower, the righteous runs into it and he is safe.
Number ten; if I am one of His
sheep, I will not lack anointing, because He said, Thou anointed my head with
oil, my cup runs over, and according to Isiah 10 v 27 because the anointing
destroys he yoke, no yoke will be able to stay on me.
Number eleven; if I am one of His sheep, I will enjoy divine goodness because He said, surely goodness shall follow me Jeremiah 31 v 14 God promised and said "My people will be satisfied with my goodness".
Number twelve; if I am one of His sheep, I will enjoy divine mercy because He said, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me. Psalm 103 v 8 & 11 talked about my Shepherd, that it is merciful and gracious, He is plenteous in mercy.
thirteen; if I am one of His sheep my blessings will last, because He said surely
Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Not for just one
day, not for one week, but all the days of my life. Psalm 107 v 1 says He is
good and His mercy endures forever. So if I am one of His sheep my blessings
will endure.
The Lord
said there is someone here tonight, He said your testimony that the devil tried
to steal shall be fully restored.
Number fourteen; if I am one of His
sheep, I will have divine accommodation both here and in the world to come,
because He said and I will dwell in His house forever.
In John 14 v 1-3 He
promised that in His Father's house there are mansions and He has gone to
prepare a place for me. There is a mansion waiting for me in heaven. I believe
you have your own there too.
When I get to heaven,
I know who I will see,
I will see my Shepherd Jesus
and shout halleluiah Amen,
halleluiah, shout halleluiah, shout halleluiah, Amen
Fourteen basic
blessings, you can then pick one and begin to expand. But like I said if you
get that book you will get the details. Because there is a lot God wants to do
tonight and he has already started.
I want to look at
three major reasons why I know that all will be well. Three reasons only, there
are many, but let me just take three. Don't worry, all will be well.
The Lord
said there is someone here tonight, He said one more shout and the door will be
I know it's going to
be a great night, it looks like it's going to be greater than I think. I know
some of you don't believe me, many of you know that when the Word goes forth
from this Altar even before you hear it, it is already done.
I said my
Daddy said one more shout.
The healing
power of God is coming down like a blanket. Thank you Father, I have not seen
this one before; but it looks like as if it is a dripping a blanket.
Right now
it's settling on some heads and I can see brains being healed right now. I can
see someone, there is a scar on the brain and the scar is gone now.
And I can
see the liquid dealing with eyes now. And it's even going down dealing with
ears and its dealing with tongues. And I can see someone who has a terrible
mouth odor, the odor is gone now.
I can see
someone with stiff jaw the jaw is loose now. And the liquid is going down, its
dealing with throats now, it's dealing with vocal cords right now and stiff
necks are no longer stiff.
And the
liquid is going down, it is going to the chest area now; I see several breast
with lumps being made whole, I can see some lumps with some water in them and the
waters are drying up now.
I can see
God healing asthma right now. I can see some people getting bright new heart
right now, I can see some livers that are big going back to normal right now.
Thank you
Daddy! Don't let the oil stop. The liquid is going down, I can see liquid being
replaced, I can see Him repairing intestine right now.
I can see
some ladies getting brand new womb right now. And it is still going down and He
is dealing with private parts right now.
I can see a
man being healed of prostate cancer right now, I can see an impotent man
regaining the power right now.
I can see
cervix cancer being removed straight away. And the oil is still going down; He
is healing leg now, he's healing joints now, He is healing ankle bones right
Let's go ahead
and give the Lord another shout now. Thank you Lord! Please shake hands with
one or two people and say I got mine.
The Lord said there
is someone here tonight, he said the forces restricting your expansion are
I want to tell you
three major reasons why I know all will be well:
number one:
I need the Great
Shepherd but He also needs me, why? How can you say that the Great
Shepherd needs you? Who do you think you are? Without sheep there will be
no Shepherd, you will say, but you are just one sheep. He knows that if he
loses one sheep today another sheep tomorrow very soon he will no longer be a
I may be just one
little sheep, but I matter to God. In Luke 15 v 4-6 Jesus told us a parable; He
said if a man has a hundred sheep and he loses one, He will leave the ninety
nine and go and search for the one.
Tell your neighbor,
you may not believe me, I am a VIP to God. And you know the joy of that is
this, anybody who is my enemy is the enemy of the Great Shepherd. Because I
matter to God. Please help me say one more time, whether you believe it or not
I am a VIP to God.
In Act 9 v 1-5 the
Bible says when God knocked down Saul of Taurus, what he said to him was
"Saul, Saul why are thou persecute me?"
He was in heaven,
Saul was persecuting Christians and God said he was persecuted Him. You
persecute the sheep, it means you are persecuting the Shepherd.
My enemies are in
trouble. What about yours?
So that is why He's
saying you put me first and I will put you first, that is why the blessings of
the Lord on those who put Him first are always unimaginable.
I need Him, He needs
Without Him I can do
nothing, but then He is the Vine and I am the branch. He needs me to bear
fruit, you cut away all the branches there will be no vine left.
I am a VIP to God.
I want you to smack
your chest proudly and say I am a VIP to God.
That is why I know my
tomorrow will be alright, that is why I am not afraid of enemies, He will deal
with them, He promised me, they may come against me in one way they will go out
seven ways.
All those who says
you will not reach your goal, the Great Shepherd will scatter them tonight.
number two:
The reason number two
that I know that all will be well is that of the awesome power of the Shepherd.
Jesus Christ has
tremendous power.
All His earthly
powers are completely useless to Him in heaven. There is no sickness there, so
His healing power is useless in heaven. Nobody is in bondage in heaven, so His
deliverance power is useless in heaven. No serpent is in heaven, no poison, no
poverty, no storms.
They are here. There
is sickness here, poverty here, bondage here and for that power not to be
useless, He is going to release it to me.
How many of you
believe that the Almighty God is going to empower you tonight?
Because He needs you
here. And because He needs me here? That is why I know I am not going to die
I don't know about
you, but I am not going to die young, because I am more useful to God here than
in heaven.
He needs my voice
here; to sing His praise, there are billions of angels in heaven, but He needs
worshippers here. He needs my hands here to lay on the sick. He needs my feet
here; to go and spread the gospel, He needs me here. That is why I can boldly
say I will see you in the New Year.
I mean many of you
know papa Okeowo, you know his testimony; he came to me, I think at age eighty
four, he said please pray for me because I have two weeks more to live.
I said "how
He said a prophet
told him when he was forty four years old that he will live to be eighty four
and the prophet told him several other things and everything the prophet said
have come to past. Remaining only this one.
He said that is why
he has come to this holy ground to die on this holy ground. I laughed.
I said, "papa,
do you really want to die?".
He said "no, but
that prophet..."
I said "no!
Let's forget the prophet, now that you have given your life to Jesus, are you
ready to serve God?"
He said "with
all my hearts",
I said "forget
the prophecy, you will live, you will not die".
Papa was almost one
hundred, before he finally said "Daddy G.O I think I will love to go
I prophesy
to someone here again tonight, your appointment with death is cancelled.
The Lord
said there is a woman here, He said when I terminate your bareness; you will
need more than one house help.
The Lord
says there is someone here tonight, He said before the end of the year, I will
show you How Great I am.
The Lord
says there is someone here tonight, He said I will not only add to you, I will
multiply you greatly.
The Lord
said there is someone here tonight, He said remember what I did the day I took Israel
out of Egypt, He said I will backdate your blessings.
I was going to tell
you three major reasons why I know all will be well, but Daddy is still
Thank you
Daddy says
there is someone here tonight, He said I have started moving on your behalf,
therefore get ready for a major celebration.
Daddy says
there is someone here, He said very soon you will sing and the song will be;
Come and
see o, come and see,
Come and
see o, come and see,
Come and
see what the Lord has done!
Three reasons why I
know that all will be well, number one, I need the Shepherd the Shepherd needs
me. Number two, it is right here on earth that He needs me because His powers
are useless to Him in heaven, Number three; what then would my future holds?
Number one; I know He will
cleanse me in order to send me, Isaiah 6 v 1 -8 He cleansed Isaiah and then
send him. I know He will cleanse me and send me.
Number two, I know He will heal
me in order to use me Matthew 8 v 14-15
Number three; I know He will set me
free so that I can be a witness to Him Mark 5 v 1-20.
Number four; He will prosper me,
so I can build His kingdom Zechariah 1 v 17
Number five; He will empower me,
so I can bring the world to His feet Act 1 v 8
I am looking at a
glorious tomorrow, I am looking at myself cleansed so I can be sent, I see
myself completely whole so I can be used of God, I can see myself completely
freed so that I can be a living testimony to God, I can see myself prosperous
so I can build the Kingdom of God, I can see myself empowered so I can bring
the world to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord
says there is someone here, between now and the first three months of next
year, as you are celebrating one breakthrough, three others will follow.
When that happens,
remember to praise Him, return all the glory back to God.
Psalm 34 v 8 He said
taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man that trust in Him.
Those of you who are wondering should I submit to Jesus or should I not, taste
and see that the Lord is good.
As for those of us
who have already surrendered to Him because of what we have learnt tonight, we
should come to Him with boldness; Great Shepherd, I need you, but you also need
That is why you
cannot allow me to be sick, that is why you cannot allow me to remain poor,
that is why you cannot allow me to remain captive, I need you but you need me.
The Bible says in
Hebrews 10 v 19-23 it says we have boldness to enter into the holiest. Hebrew 4
v 14-16 He said the high priest, the Great Shepherd, He knows our infirmities,
He said lets come with boldness into the Throne of Grace and obtain mercy and
grace to help.
Knowing that I matter
to God, let's go to Him with boldness and pray our prayer as the prayer of
someone who knows that the God I am crying to, values me. I matter to Him. He
needs me, He wants to use me, He wants me here alive!
For a long time I was
praying; Lord, send help to me, send me at least someone that will be hungry to
serve me, that I won't have to beg before he will say I want to do this or
And then God raised
up a man; and he began to do exactly that, if I look at something two times
without saying a word he will buy it for me.
And then suddenly he
came; he said daddy, I heard a voice loud and clear saying go and put your
house in order because you are about to die.
I laughed!
I said die ko, die
I have been praying
to God to send somebody like you, He has sent someone like you, I said which
death is that? That was 1995. He is still alive and well today.
Every one
of you determining to serve the Lord, you shall live, and you will not die.
The second testimony
is the one you heard yourself tonight, I have been praying that I need
missionaries, educated people, responsible people, who are not going into
ministry for money. And then God raised a handful and this one they say had an
accident and died. I said that one na lie! They said but she is already dead, I
said na lie!
And I am
saying tonight concerning all of you ready to serve God, ready to partner with
me in this great work every report of the devil concerning you na lie!
Forgive my broken
All those who say you
are going to die young, na lie! All those who say you will fail na lie! All
those who say you will die barren, na lie! all those who say you will not reach
your goal; na lie.
Let me hear you say
halleluiah! Go ahead and give the Lord a big round of applause.
So they phoned but
she is dead, all over her body are broken bones, I said I don't care she is
going to live.
So they phone back,
well she is breathing now, but she is in a coma. I said who cares, she is not
going to die, they flew her to South Africa in an ambulance.
They looked at her
and say this one no hope, they phone me from there. I said, na lie!
You can see her today,
the accident happened in 1998, she is still alive and well, and she will remain
alive and well for many more years to come in Jesus mighty name.
We will be praying in
a moment, tonight am not going to hurry at all, we will finish whenever the
Holy Spirit allows us, a night like this comes once in a life time, and we are
going to get the maximum out of it.
But there might be
some of you who came late, you are not here when they made the first Altar call
now you want to surrender your life to Jesus.
Pray that God will
save your soul tonight, forgive you all your sins and you will serve Him for
the rest of your life, don't just be my savior be my Lord also, I will serve
you for the rest of my life.
And the rest of us
stretch your hands towards these people that the One who saved your soul will
save their souls also, that God will wash them clean and write their names in
the book of life.
Pray for them,
intercede for them...In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Father, I
want to bless your name, I thank you for your word, I thank you for this your
children that have come forward tonight, in the various Altars where they are,
please receive them in Jesus name, forgive them in Jesus name, let your blood
wipe away their sins in Jesus name.
As you save
their souls tonight please write their names in the book of life, don't let
them ever backslide, uphold them till the end, in Jesus mighty name we have
I am
rejoicing with you because from now on I will be praying for you so I am going
to need your name, your address and your prayer request.
Prayer Point
1. Praise
Him that you are even here tonight.
2. Lift your
voice to Him and say Father, I surrender my all to you, use me for your glory.
3. Father,
everything that will not allow me to serve you; sickness, poverty, bondage
anything that will not allow me to serve you, destroy tonight.
4. Father,
since my enemies are your enemies deal with them yourself in any way you deem
fit, just deal with them yourself.
5. Father,
bless me beyond my wildest expectation.
6. Father,
before this year ends Father, please fulfill all your promises to me.
I want you to join
hands with your neighbor and lets pray the prayer of agreement, lift your voice
to the Almighty God and say Father, everything working against the destiny of
this my neighbor crush it tonight... in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
The God I serve will
answer your prayers tonight, He will receive you, and use you for His glory. He
will make you completely whole.
If there is any yoke
left in your life, it shall be destroyed tonight. All your enemies ...Daddy
says I don't need to pray that prayer; He said He will scatter your external
enemies, and He will confuse your eternal enemies.
Thank you Father,
what else is there to say, thank you Father, thank you Almighty God in Jesus
mighty name we have prayed.
Let somebody shout halleluiah