Let us go ahead and bless the King of kings.
Lift your hands to Him.
Worship Him; adore Him; magnify His holy name; bless Him; bless Him.
He is worthy to be praised; He is worthy to be adored; He is worthy
to be magnified.
Praise Him. There is no one like Him. He is the Lord most High.
Worship the Ancient of days, magnify His holy name.
Praise Him. Praise Him. Praise Him - Lord. Praise Him - make His
name glorious.
Praise the Lord; praise the Almighty God; praise the King of kings,
the Lord of lords. Bless the Ancient of days.
Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration.
Bless His holy name. x3
Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration.
Praise Him x4. Thank You Father.
O Lord, may You forever be glorified.
Thank You Father. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus.
Be glorified forever Lord. In Jesus mighty name we worshipped.
I want you to lift your voice to Him loud and clear and
say: Abba Father, for the rest of my life don't let me know sorrow again.
Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.
Abba Father, for the rest of my life don't let me know sorrow again;
don't let me know sorrow again. Abba Father, You are my Daddy, You are the All
sufficient God, don't let me know sorrow again; don't let me ever know sorrow
again; don't let me ever know sorrow again. Thank You Father.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
All glory must be to the Lord
For He is worthy of our praise
No man on earth should give glory to himself
All glory must be to the Lord.
(All glory)
All glory must be to the Lord
For He is worthy of our praise
No man on earth should give glory to himself
All glory must be to the Lord.
(All glory)
All glory must be to the Lord
For He is worthy of our praise
No man on earth should give glory to himself
All glory must be to the Lord.
Abba Father, King of glory, God of host, the Lord strong and mighty,
the Lord mighty in battle, the One who just can never fail, the One who knows
the end from the beginning, the One who is wiser than all of us, glory be to
Your holy name, accept our worship in Jesus' name. Once again thank You for
January, thank You for February, thank You for March, thank You for April, and
now thank You for May, please accept our worship in Jesus' name. Father, we ask
for a special request tonight, in the life of every one of us, let there be no
more sorrow. In the way You alone can do it, in the life of everyone of us:
those who are here; those who are listening to us all over the world, please
Father, let there be no more sorrow; let there be no more sorrow. And Father we
as congregations are crying to you in one accord, Father, heal our President;
perform a miracle in His life; heal our nation; heal our families; heal Your
church; and just let it be well with all of us.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.
Let somebody shout hallelujah.
Shake hands with one or two people and tell him or her: all will be
Tonight, has we look at Abba Father (Part 4) we want to start as
usual by appealing to those who are yet to be born again to surrender their
life to Jesus and we want to also give opportunity for backsliders to return home
before we go into the main message.
We will start by looking at 1John chapter 3 verse 1 to 3.
1Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that
we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not,
because it knew him not.
2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear
what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him;
for we shall see him as He is.
3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even
as He is pure.
Basically, all human beings are in three categories.
Category one are those who are just creatures of
God: in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth - that is Genesis
chapter 1 from verse 1 and go all the way down, God created everything.
John chapter 1 verse 1 to 3 tells us that: in the beginning was
the word, the word was with God and the word was God. By the time we get to
verse 3, by all things created - all things were made by Him; there was nothing
made that was not made by him.
He made all things.
In Isaiah 45 verse 7, God said..., (and if you like go and read it
from verse 6 where He there is no one else but Himself); ...and He said in
verse 7, I form the light and I created darkness; He said, I make peace and I created
evil. God created everything.
I am talking about human being in particular, in Isaiah 54 verse
16 to 17: He tells us that, He is even the One who makes the waster to destroy.
In other words, God made witches, He made the wizard; He made the
devil, He made the demons; He made them all.
He made the herbalist, He made their herbs...
That was why He said concerning His children: no weapon formed
against you shall prosper because those who are putting the weapons together, I
made them and I can neutralize their efforts.
And then, you want to ask a question, how come God made good
people, bad people?
He said something in Proverbs 16 verse 4: He said, He made the
wicked for the day of evil.
The Lord has made all things for Himself - even the wicked for the
days of evil.
In other words, if you see someone who is persistently doing evil;
and at times, you are attempted to say, where is God?
God is on His throne.
He said, He made the wicked for the day of evil.
Some people must be available to be use as example that evil does
not pay.
In Romans chapter 9 verse 17 for example, says He is the one who
raised up Pharaoh; He knew Pharaoh was bad, He knew Pharaoh was evil but He
kept on promoting him so that when I show My power in him, the world will pay
attention; when I drown you, the whole world will hear about it and they will
glorify my name.
So, if there is somebody that you know who is terribly evil and
yet seem to be succeeding..., I wish you will read one of my traits - I wrote
one trait way back in the 1970s - called 'Ram for the slaughter'. If you see
somebody who is evil and is making progress, is being reserved for the day of
My prayer is that when the day of evil comes we will not be a
That is first category of people who are just creatures.
Out of this first comes the second category, a select few
that God calls My servant.
In Joshua chapter 1 verse 1 to 2, He was talking to Joshua
and He said, Moses my servant is dead...; they are those who are ordinary
creatures, they are those who are servants.
Mathew 22 verse 14 tells us that this people are few - many are
called but few were chosen.
From Job chapter 1 verse 7 to 12, you see
one big problem of being in category two - being a servant of God: a servant of
God could be rich, like Job was rich, he was a servant of God.
God said to Satan, have you consider my servant Job?
He fears God
Satan said, You prospered Him; You surrounded him with a fence; I
cannot touch him; there is a edge round about him.
Give me permission, let me deal with him and then he will tell You
that You are not God - he will deny You.
You know the rest of the story.
God said, no, I trust Job; he is a good servant.
You want to test him?
Test him, he won't fail.
The servant of God enjoys certain benefits but it is limited.
Then comes category three: the ones that the Almighty
calls My children.
Their own privileges are almost unlimited.
Like the section I read to you - 1 John chapter 3 if you read
verses 1 and 2 there - you will discover that apart from several other things,
apart from the fact that God allowed Job to be tested by Satan - gives Satan
permission to attack him; God won't give permission to Satan to attack His sons
just like he attacked a servant.
Someone, years ago came and he said, God sent him to go and
prophesy to me - there was a word of prophecy God told him.
Okay, go ahead.
Opened his mouth and said, God said, go and tell my 'servant'
I said, shut up.
What do you mean?
I said, God has not sent you to me.
He said how do you know?
You have not even heard what I have to say.
I said, my Father does not call me servant, He calls me son.
How many children of God are here tonight?
Wave your hand and shout hallelujah.
The difference between a son and a servant is almost unimaginable
and I will just give you a little bit of it.
In Exodus 33..., and I hope they have attended to you? On my
right, if they have not, they will.
In Exodus 33 verse 17 to 23, Moses begged God for one favour: he said,
I want to see you.
You see me, You talk to me; I too want to see You.
God said to him, Moses, if you see me, you will die.
But the text I read to you said: those of us who are God's
children we will see Him.
How many of you believe you will see Jesus one of this day?
And so shall it be in Jesus' name.
In John 15 verse 1 to 2, the Bible says not only are we going to
see Him, we have to be like Him because He is the Vine, we are the Branches.
A branch of a vine looks exactly like the vine.
We will be like Him.
Like Father, like son.
I have never heard: like Father, like servant.
We will be like Him.
And because He is the Vine and we are the Branches (I am talking
about those of us who are children of God); because the same liquid that flows
in the Vine, flows in the Branches.
I am confident that the moment you become truly born-again, the
blood that flows in Jesus, flows in you.
I have said it before, I am saying it again: no witch dear suck
the blood of a true child of God.
If the witch tries it, the witch we die because the same blood
that is flowing in Jesus is flowing in us.
The elders hear will remember what happen during our first
convention on this camp ground.
Three witches came they said they wanted to take over the land before
we arrive; they came.
One of the three ran mad.
The second one became hunch back before she died.
The third one confessed before she died.
I am decreeing today, every evil force that tries to interfere with
all of you who are children of God, you will bury them.
You see, because the Bible says in 1John chapter 4 verse 17: He
said, as He is, so I will in this world. As Jesus is, so I will in this world.
I have told you before, if you hear that I die suddenly, don't
believe anybody that say, witches killed him.
I died suddenly because I have covenant with my God: If I am going
to backslide tomorrow, Father, take me away today - that is my covenant.
So, if you suddenly hear that I am gone, you know why.
No Witch can tackle a true child of the living God.
Not only are we going to see Him, not only are we going to become
like Him, He even said that the work that He did, we shall do also - John 14
verse 12.
He even went to say, greater work than these shall we do.
I thank God for mighty testimonies that we hear from time to time.
It is amazing that because you are so used to hearing these mighty
testimonies, they don't seem to excite you anymore.
I child had eye problem and a hand shake and the problem
This fellow had cancer, just one word of prayer, cancer disappear.
This one; that one...
And He did say that the work that I did, General Overseer alone we
He said that, the works that I did, every believer, every child of
God shall do and do greater works.
And then He added, that there is only one limitation - only one
limitation to the privileges - of a child of God and that is sin.
That's why He said in the text that I read to you: if you have the
hope in you, of seeing Jesus and living; you have the hope of being like Jesus;
you have hope in you, of being able to do the works that He did, He said, you
must be pure.
Mathew chapter 5 verse 8 says, blessed are the pure, for they
shall see God.
So those of us who are born-again, who have been washed in the
blood of the Lamb, and who by His grace we are keeping our self pure -
Those of you who were born-again but you backslide because Satan
deceived you and you are doing those things you said you we never do again;
there is an opportunity for tonight to come back to the Almighty God, He will
restore you.
Those of you who are still living in sin and have never been
washed in the blood of the Lamb, you have an opportunity tonight to become a
child of God - you have opportunity to become a son of God, a daughter of God
through the power that is in the blood of Jesus.
So if you we come to Him to ask Him to save your soul, to wash you
in His blood; to turn you to a member of the family of God; He is ready to do
so now.
The Bible says, now is the accepted time - today is the day of
And if you are here and you want to surrender your life to Jesus
Christ, you want Him to save your soul; you want Him to wash you from all your
sins; you want Him to make you pure; I will count from one to fifteen because I
can see quite a crowd out there.
Before I say fifteen come and stand before and I will pray for
your salvation.
And those of you in the various viewing centers, just go to the
altar in front of you, the Pastors are there and they will attend to you and
even as I am praying here, they prayer will reach you over there.
If you are in viewing centre in one of our churches, there will be
somebody there who will attend to you.
If you are listening anywhere in the world, just move toward the
altar now and the prayer of salvation will take care of your situation.
And if you are backslider and you want to return to the Almighty
God, you can come also.
I am going to count from one to fifteen beginning from now.
One, two, three, four...
There is a lot of different between being a son of God and being a
servant of God and you don't just want to be one of those evil ones that are
made for the day of evil, you can come to Jesus, He will save your soul and
become a son of God
Five, six, seven, eight,
There is power mighty in the blood of Jesus Christ; it washes as
white as snow.
You come to Him, Lord will cleanse you and you will become one of
the children of the living God.
Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen
Those of you who are on the way, keep coming, don't stop; make
sure you get here before I finish praying.
Those of you already in the front and those of you on the way,
talk to the Lord, tell Him, I have come to surrender my life to You: please
save my soul; wash away all my sins with Your blood and make me as pure as snow
and I will serve you for the rest of my life. Be my Lord, be my Saviour; I want
be member of family of God, I want to be a son, I want to be a daughter of the
living God, have mercy on me and save my soul.
The rest of us, let us please stretch our hands towards these
people and intercede for them that the one who saved your soul will save their
own soul also.
And Counselors I think you better come round and come attend to
these people in a moment.
Brethren let us intercede for them.
In all the viewing centers, all the Pastors in charge please pray
for the people, stretch hands toward them: pray that the one who saved our
souls we save their own souls also.
Intercede that God will give them a brand new beginning even now.
Thank you Counselors.
Counselors in all the viewing centers, move in now; so that you
can attend to these new converts after my prayer.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Saviour I just want to bless Your holy name; I want to bless Your
holy name because I know that Your word is forever settled: You said whosoever
who come onto You, You in no wise cast out. These people have come to You now
Father, please receive them in Jesus' name; forgive them in Jesus' name; let
Your blood wipe away their sins in Jesus' name; save their souls and write
their names in the book of Life. Father, please admit them into the family of
God in Jesus' name.
From now on as children of the living God, any time they call on
you answer them by fire and let them serve You till the end; don't let them
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
And those of you in front let me hear you shout hallelujah.
I want to assure you from now on by the grace of God I will be
praying for you.
The Counselors are going to give you some cards to fill: I need
your names, your address and your prayer requests, so that I can continue to
intercede for you.
Fill the form very quickly; we will wait for you till you finish
before we proceed further.
God bless you.
Glory be to God.
Now, let us turn to Romans chapter 8, we are reading from verse 14
to 15 (Romans 8:14 to 15):
14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of
15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but
ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
Again, basically there are three categories of Fathers.
· We have Biological Father,
· Have the Spiritual Father, and then
· We have Abba Father.
Three categories of Father: Biological, Spiritual, Divine.
Let us start with the Biological father.
Your biological father has tremendous influence over your life.
Biological father whether you like it or not have tremendous
influence over your life.
For example, he can bless you; the blessing will be recognized in
Genesis 27 verse 27 to 29 - when Isaac blessed Jacob, he invited
help from heaven for that boy; help from the earth; help from people around;
help from nations; help from relatives.
He said, God will bless this boy with dew from heaven, and the
fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine; people will serve him,
nations will bow before him.
He even said that the children of his mother will serve him.
Tremendous influence!
And when your father blesses you, according to the word of God
Genesis 27 verse 30 to 33, even your father cannot take the blessing back - he
cannot reverse it once he says you are blessed
Even if he discovers an hour later that he made a mistake - you
are still blessed.
Isaac said to Esau, I blessed him, he shall be blessed.
Your father can bless you irreversibly.
Your biological father can decree your future.
Genesis 49 verse 1 to 28 - when Israel wanted to die, he called
all his children together and say come and listen to what will happen to you in
the future and he began to announce, he began to decree concerning each of
For example, Genesis 49 verse 10 - he said to Judah: he said,
Judah, the scepter will never depart from you. He said out of you will come
someone unto whom all nations will gather.
And today, Jesus Christ is called the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
In the same Genesis 49 verse 14 to 15, he said concerning
Issachar. He said, Issachar, even though you are strong, you will remain a
Your father can decree your future.
When your father say, it will be well with your; you better say
amen well well.
If he says something contrary, before he died you better settle
the matter.
Don't believe anybody who tells you that when your father curses
you and when he died go to the burial ground and beg him...
(Laugh) Dead is dead
Your biological father can greatly affect your destiny.
For example, Genesis 48 verse 8 to 20 - it is a story you know
very well - when Joseph brought his two sons to Israel or Jacob is Father and
his father place his right hand on the head of the younger and the left hand on
the head of the elder, and pronouncing a blessing: transferring the blessing of
the first born to the second born.
Within a short period of time, the younger one was ten times
blessed, more prosperous than the first born (Deuteronomy 33 verse 17).
Biological father can be your ladder to greatness - you can climb
him to greatness.
Somebody said, he who has a father, will see farther: If you have
a father, you can climb on his shoulder and you will be able to see farther
than someone who has not got a father.
Genesis 24:34 to 35, Abraham was great.
By the time we get to Genesis 26 verse 12 to 14, we see that Isaac
was greater than his father.
Because of what happen in Genesis 22 verse 1 to 18, God said to
Abraham: in blessing I will bless, it will multiply; I will multiply your seed.
Your biological father can be your link to God.
You biological father can link you to divine favour.
Genesis 28 verse 10 to 15, after Jacob had just obtain the
blessing of his brother by fraud and he was running away, and he fell asleep in
a particular place, Go appeared to him and said, I Am the God of Abraham your
father and of Isaac because of these two people the land of which you are
lying, I give it to you.
Your father can be your link to divine favour.
Not only that.
Your biological father can even affect your health.
In 2Kings chapter 5 verse 20 to 27, when Elisha pronounced a curse
on Gehazi: he said, the leprosy of Naaman will cleave unto him and unto his
seed forever.
Scientists are just discovery that there are some diseases that
genetically transmitted - a father has it, a son will have it - one of the
reasons you have to become a child of God quickly; so that if there is any
problem in your family line, when you join the family of God, that will be
taken care of.
Your biological father can affect how long you live - can be determined by your Dad.
I give you an example: Joshua 6 verse 26 - Joshua pronounced a
curse on Jericho that whoever tries to rebuild Jericho, he laid the foundation
in his first born and finish the work in his last born.
Years passed; and then 1Kings chapter 16 verse 33...
God said that there is someone here tonight, He said your problem is
not in getting, He said your problem is in retaining; He ask me to tell you
from now on you will get and you will retain.
In 1Kings chapter 16 verse 33, the Bible says in the days of Ahab,
a certain man called Hiel decided to build Jericho, the day he laid the
foundation, his first died; the day he finished the work his last son died -
both children.
They did not know the day their father decided he was going to
build Jericho their days were coming to an end.
And then of course in Exodus chapter 20 verse 12, the Bible says
honour your father and your mother that your days may be long.
You know the meaning of that?
You dishonor your biological father, you are not going to live
Maybe one of the reasons I am alive today is because I decided to
honour my mother.
Because way back in 1967, just as the civil war wanted to start, I
wanted to join the Army; I told my mother (my father was already dead): Mama, I
want to go and join the Army.
She said, is that so?
I said, yes.
You my only son!
I said, yes.
She said, bury me first and then you can go and join the Army.
And since she did not die until 1990...; by the time she died
(laugh) I was too old to join.
Maybe I would have been dead now if I did not honour - parent.
I told of a story of what happen in 1964.
I was coming home from University of Nigeria, Nsukka; we had a
delay, by the time will got to Onitsha, the last vehicle had gone and I had to
take the next vehicle from Asaba to Ondo.
My friend and I took a little motor boat to take us across. It
became dark, we are in the middle of river Niger, it was a small boat.
All of a sudden, water began to fill the boat.
Nobody could see us from other side: they could not see us from
Onitsha; they could not see us from Asaba because it was dark - and the boat
was filling with water.
And I was singing.
When we finally got to Asaba, my friend asked me: how could you be
singing when we are about to drown.
I said, haa! my mother told me when I was leaving, you will come
back and meet me here - my mother said, I will come back to meet her; so, I
know I am not going to die.
You are going to pray a prayer tonight that has to do with your
biological parents.
Some of you have been very very terrible to your parent.
I want you to stand on your feet and lift your voice to the
Almighty God and say: Father,
I don't want to die young, if I have done anything contrary to my parents,
please forgive me tonight.
Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.
Some of you have dishonor them by disobeying them; some of you
have dishonor by not serving them the way you should; they can determine how
long you life, Father, I don't want to die very young. If I have dishonor my
biological parents in anyway whatsoever, Father, please forgive me; please
forgive me tonight, I don't want to die young. Please God, You know all things,
there may be a way if I have offended my biological parent: maybe I have
insulted them, maybe I have disobey them, maybe I have disappointed them; if I
have dishonor my biological parent in anyway whatsoever, Almighty God please
forgive me, I don't want to die young; please forgive me Lord; have mercy on
me; have mercy on me Lord.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
So shall it be in Jesus' name.
Please be seated.
Then we have category two: Spiritual Fathers.
Your spiritual father is far far superior than your biological
Thank You Father.
The Lord says there is someone here tonight seriously troubled for
the future, the Lord ask me to tell you, My grace shall be sufficient for you.
Your spiritual father has a higher authority than your biological
Example, in 1Samuel chapter 16 verse 11 to 13, when Samuel said to
Jesse, are these all your boys? and Jesse said there is one left in the field
Samuel said to Jesse, in Jesse's own house, he said we will not
seat down until you bring him.
Do you know what, both Samuel and Jesse were standing until they
brought David to him.
You spiritual father has a superior authority than your biological
In 1Kings chapter 19 verse 19 to 21, the moment Elisha stepped
into the life of Elisha, Mr. Shaphat, the father of Elisha have no say.
Elisha just came to him, kissed him and said bye bye - his father
has no authority to stand in the way.
So I am going to use my authority as your spiritual father, if
there is any father (biological) that is standing in your way, he will be
That's of course if you have not offended him, that's why I asked
you to pray that first prayer.
Number two) Your spiritual father can alter your destiny - he
can alter your destiny.
In 1Samuel chapter 10 verse 1 to 11, it is Samuel who turned a
farmer boy to both a king and a prophet.
Samuel anointed Saul and Saul in a day became king and prophet.
In the same manner, like I mentioned earlier in 1Samuel 16 verse
11 to 13, the same Samuel turned shepherd boy to a king and to a prophet.
Many people don't know that David was not just a king but he was
also a prophet.
He prophesied the suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross - Psalm
22 verse 1: my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? - It was David who
prophesied that.
He prophesied the work that Jesus will be doing in our own
dispensation in Psalm 23: the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He prophesied the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in Psalm
24 verse 7 to 10: lift up your heads o ye gates and be ye lift up ye
everlasting doors that the King of glory may come in.
So your spiritual father can alter your destiny.
Among the hundreds of Pastors that God has blessed us with in
Redeemed Christian Church of God are those people who thought they will end up
Doctors, end up Lawyers, end up Engineer they have all the qualifications but
today they are Pastors because somebody make the sound on them.
Your spiritual father can alter your destiny for the better.
Not only that, your spiritual father can cancel generational
In 2Kings chapter 2...
The Lord asked me to tell someone that your healing shall be called
In 2Kings chapter 2 verse 19 to 22, it was Elisha that cancel the
curse that was on Jericho
Your spiritual Father can cancel any curse that is in your
And then, your spiritual father can cancel your appointment with
death - he can cancel your appointment with death.
1Kings 17 verse 17 to 24,
The Lord said the person I am talking to will understand; He simply
me asks me to you there will be restoration.
In 1Kings 17 verse 17 to 24, the son of the widow Zarephath was
dead - dead forever.
As matter of fact, he would have died if Elisha did not show up
when he did; and then after Elisha showed up, as the bread began to multiply,
thirsty came for this boy - death was determined to kill this boy.
I ceased the opportunity of standing on this holy altar, I decree
now concerning all of you who calls me Daddy in spirit and in truth, your
appointment with death is cancelled.
Your spiritual father can deliver you from satanic ambush.
2Kings chapter 6 verse 8 to 12, the Bible says the king of Syria
was to lay ambush for the king of Israel.
Elisha kept on warning him, don't go this way, and don't go that
The elders will tell you, nobody is as wise as someone who is
laying an ambush for him.
No matter how wise are you, if someone decide to lay an ambush for
you, it will only take divine intervention for you not to fall into the trap.
Many at times your spiritual father can see what you cannot see -
he can see danger ahead and warn you; if you take his warning, you will save
yourself from trouble.
You all know the story of how I got permission from my spiritual
father to hold the first Christ the Redeemers' Congress.
After I got the permission, I wrote to the Pastors to inform them.
One of the Pastors wrote me, he replied, full of curses.
I took his letter to my father-in-the-Lord; I read the letter to
him because he could not read it.
Sir, I got your permission for what I am doing, look at what this
Pastor wrote.
I thought my father-in-the-Lord will say: he is in trouble; I am
going to deal with him.
My father-in-the-lord said, go and beg him.
I said, what!
Go and bee him!
What have I done wrong!
He said, go and beg him.
I left his house; got to my car; I could not even enter the car; I
was troubled.
How can you ask me to go and beg somebody who has been raining
curses upon me!
Because I want to win souls!
And I heard the voice of God...
And I pray for every one of you, the ability to hear from God,
receive it right now.
I heard from God saying, son, you are under his authority, do what
he says.
Yes Lord.
I enter into the car, I went into the house of the Pastor; to cut
the long story short, I begged him; he was still has angry as ever but I just
kept on beg because he said go and beg him.
He doesn't long after that, that he stood on the altar in a Parish
where he was then: he said, he knows for sure, for certain that he will be
going to hell but that he will be taking three people with him and he mentioned
my name.
And my father-in-the-Lord heard and said, you see why I asked you to
beg him (laugh) beg him so that he won't take you along with him to hell.
Thank God today I am not in hell because I listen to my spiritual
Your spiritual father can deliver you from satanic ambush.
Not only that, your spiritual father can commit God for you - he can
create a situation between you and God that God just must do for you what you
2Kings chapter 2 verse 9 to 15 - Elijah was about to leave and he
ask Elisha 'what do you want me to do for you?'
Elisha said, I want a double portion of your spirit.
Elijah said, if you see me when I am being taking away from you, you
will get what you want.
Elijah did not pray; Elijah did not ask God permission, he just
commits God.
This boy wants a hard thing but if he sees me when I am being taking
away, he has to get it.
So the chariot came, picked up Elijah and Elisha began to shout:
haa, my father, my father, I see you. You said, if I see you; I see you.
And Elijah turn to God on his way to heaven and said, I promised him
that if he can see me, he will get what he asked for and God said, in that case
why are you going with the mantle, drop it for him.
I want to commit God on behalf of all my children tonight, whatever
you ask God for tonight, you will get it.
Now, let me take one more concerning your spiritual father.
When your spiritual father blesses you or curses you (it could
either of two), the result will be instant.
It is not a question of go and come: if your spiritual blesses you,
the blessing will be instant. (Let us believe that he will never curse)
Because in 1Kings chapter 17 verse 8 to 16 the moment Elijah said to
the widow of Zarephath: there will always be food here, it happen immediately
not two days later, immediately.
The moment Elisha curse Gehazi in 2Kings chapter 5 verse 20 to 27,
immediately Gehazi became a leper, not two days later - in fact the Bible says,
he left his presence a leper as white as snow.
When your spiritual father blesses you, the result will be instant.
You will remember the story.
How many of you remember the story?
I have just moved to the University of Ilorin and one of my sons who
was electrician came over to the house they gave me there and he helped me to
fix all the electrical problem.
When he finished, I said, how much am I going to pay?
He said, how can I take money from you, you are my spiritual father.
He said, there is only one thing I need, I don't have the money to
go back to Lagos.
Just give me money to get back to Lagos and pray for me.
I said, son, there is no need for me to pray, you are already
I gave him money to travel back.
As he was coming down at the motor park in Iddo, he met a class mate
that he had not seen for years and they greeted: where are you now?
That one said, I am working at Aso-Rock.
And you, what are you doing?
I am an Electrician.
He said, haa, come and see me tomorrow in the office.
Two weeks later, I came to Lagos; my son who did not have enough to
money to travel down from Ilorin was driving a brand new car - because I said,
you are blessed already.
I know you want me to say you are blessed already too.
Stand on your feet; lift your voice to the Almighty God and say:
Father, send Your son to me tonight.
Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.
Just put a word in his my mouth for me, send Your son to me tonight;
send Your son to me tonight; send Your son to me tonight. Thank You Father.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
And so shall it be in Jesus' name.
Please be seated.
Now, we want to go to the third category and that
is Abba Father.
Without doubt, He is greater than your Biological Father and because
He created him and so he can overrules him - your biological father can say
what he likes, the Almighty God can it the other way.
Oh! Thank You my Father.
I think God is answering your prayer already because He says, there
is someone here today, He said I should tell you that He will make your bitter
water sweet.
He says there is someone here who is at a major cross road, you
don't even know where to turn now, He asked me to tell you that I will guide
It seems He don't want me to preach now.
The Lord says there is someone here today; He said you will understand,
He asked me to tell you, there is nothing to be ashamed of, I AM working my
purpose out in your life.
Abba Father is greater than your father, He is the One who made him
and so He can overrules him.
For example, in Genesis 49 verse 5 to 7...
The Lord asks me to tell someone, He said, before the end of this
month, you will be shouting wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
So, If He don't let me finish the sermon, it is your fault; you are
the one who prayed.
Now, Genesis 49 verse 5 to 7, the father of Levi pronounced a curse
on him: he said, he will be scattered...
By the time we get to Numbers chapter 3 verse 11 to 13, Abba Father
said, Levi shall be my first.
Your father said you are going to scattered, God said no no, bring
him near - he will be my first born.
So God can overrule your biological father.
Not only that, He can turn a curse to a blessing - the curse that
your father had pronounced, the Almighty God can turn it to blessing.
And I am praying for all of you tonight, if there is any curse still
remaining in your home, may it be turn to a blessing tonight.
Now, God is also greater, far far greater than your spiritual
father; not only because He is the One who made your spiritual father but
because it is God who chooses who will be a Prophet - it is God's choice.
For example, in 1Kings chapter 19 verse 15 to 16, Elisha did not
know that he was going to become a son of Prophet, he was busy on his farm
enjoying himself but God was already discussing his matter with Elijah.
I remember years ago, I went to host a Holy Ghost rally in Ife-wara
and I told the people, I said, I know what many of you will say: Is this not
the son of Moses Adeboye? When did he become a Prophet? We know the mother. The
mother used to sell eko. When did this boy become a Prophet?
But when God decide to chose a prophet, He will chose one.
Anybody who would want to volunteer to be a Prophet?
You better think twice, it is a very dangerous assignment.
Not only does He chose a prophet, He is the One who decides what
will come out of his mouth - and I am talking of true prophets; I am not
talking of those who made themselves prophet.
True Prophets can only speak what God put in their mouth: if they
open their mouth and they want to say something different from what God said,
it will not come out.
Numbers 23 verse 11 to 20, a king hired a prophet to come and curse
the children of Israel; as the Prophet opens his mouth to pronounce a curse,
blessing began to flow.
The king was angry; I asked you to come and curse them and you are
blessing them instead.
He said, haa, sorry your majesty, I cannot help it; I have received
a commandment to bless and I have blessed and I cannot reverse it.
I want to say in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, every one of
you listening to me tonight, you will receive a blessing from the Lord.
And when He is speaking, when it is God speaking through a prophet,
situations around you might be hundred percent contrary to what the prophet is
For example, I think this must be 1962 or so, early 60s - I am not
too sure of the exact date.
The prophet was leaving in the house of my Uncle; I did not know
that he was a prophet.
I just came home on home holiday; I had some money in my pocket and
just saw an old man who was sick, he was in pain and obviously he was poor.
I just took some money from my pocket and I gave him and he looked
up at me and said, young man, listen to me; I said, yes sir.
He said, a day is coming soon you will be oversees as people go to
the market.
I am going to oversees as people go to the market!
I said thank you Sir.
He should have said thank you to the money I give you and you leave
me alone.
By the time he was talking I have never been to Ikeja.
In those days, when somebody comes from Oversea in my village, hunters
will not go to the farm to welcome him.
Today, what he said seem to be true.
I want to prophesy to someone here too, contrary to your presence
situation, you will fly high.
Now, why is Abba Father superior to you...; and I am trying to move
fast now because we still have another programme after tonight; ...it is God
who wrote your destiny - He is the One who wrote your destiny even before your
father was born (Jeremiah 1 verse 4 to 5)
I want to say congratulation to somebody because God says the one
who is waiting for your death will die before you.
In Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 4 to 5, God said before I formed, I know
thee - before your father met your mother, I already concluded your situation.
Why you are still in the womb, I finished the job.
So because He wrote your destiny, He can fulfill it.
He wrote the destiny of Moses before Moses was born; years before
Moses was born - almost four hundred years before Moses was born, God had
already wrote the destiny of Moses; and as long as he took, he still fulfills
He wrote the destiny of Joseph - you know the story of Joseph, so I
don't need to begin to tell you this story.
Joseph had a dream or two dreams showing how great he was going to
become; every effort to make sure it will not happen failed because God was
behind him.
He wrote the destiny of Elizabeth that she was going to be the
mother of one of the greatest men ever to leave.
John the Baptist and even though for years Elizabeth remain barren,
He brought for John the Baptist.
Jesus Christ said in Mathew 11 verse 11 that of all men born of
woman there
hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist.
In Galatians chapter 1 verse 13 to 16, son of
Tarsus said, he was a proper anti-christ terrorizing the church of God but God
had already chosen him to be a vessel unto him right from the mother's womb.
So, it does not matter your presence
situation, if God has written something concerning you, He will bring it to
The late Bishop Benson Idahosa told us the
story that when he was a child he was so sickly, so terribly sickly but one day
the mother went to go and dumb him on the dunghill - she said there is no hope
for this one, stop disturbing us, we forget that we had a child.
And he was on the dunghill for three days.
She came back to look at him, whether by now
he would have dead; they find out he is still breathing.
If he is not yet dead after three days let us
take him back.
He ended up becoming an Arch Bishop
I want you to stand on your feet; I want you
to lift your voice to the Almighty God and say: Abba
Father, You wrote my destiny please bring it to pass.
Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.
You wrote my destiny, bring it to pass Lord;
bring it to pass; bring it to pass; bring it to pass Lord. I know you had
something good in mind when you send me to this world,
Father, please bring it to pass; bring it to
pass; bring it to pass. Thank You Father. Bring it to pass Lord.
You wrote my destiny and I know you had
something good in mind when You are sending me to the world, I am not here by
accident, You have a great plan for my life, please bring to pass Lord; bring
it to pass Lord; bring it to pass Lord; bring it to pass Lord.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
So shall it be Jesus' name.
Please be seated.
I will soon be rounding up to give room for
the other meeting.
Now, because Abba Father wrote your
destiny, He reserves the right, either to erase what He has written or to
re-write it.
As they say, the one who made the pencil also
made the eraser.
In Genesis chapter 4 verse 1 to 14, we saw
that Cain was the first born of Adam and Eve, he was to be the number one man,
number one heir on the face of the earth but he ended up a vagabond.
In Hosea chapter 4 verse 17, we saw that
Ephraim who got the blessing that should have been given to Manasseh first born
brother, got into a situation where God said, leave him alone, he has joined
himself to idols.
By the time we got to Hosea chapter 5 verse
9, God said, Ephraim shall be desolate.
The original thing concerning him was that he
was going to prosper more than his brother; but now, by the time I finished
with him, they won't even remember he was ever in the world.
By the time we got to Revelation chapter 7
and you read it from verse 4 to 8 (Revelation 4:7 to 8) you will see the names
of the twelve tribe of Israel, suddenly, Manasseh was him.
Manasseh was not originally among the twelve
tribes, his father Joseph was; but there was someone among the twelve tribes
Dan was his name and according to Genesis 49 verse 17, the Bible says Dan was a
So, somewhere along the way, God had removed
the serpent and God was looking for someone to replace him and He chose
Manasseh whose blessing was transferred to
Ephraim is now the one God put in the position of Dan.
Ephraim who got the blessing of Manasseh have
become desolate, forgotten.
God the Father is a wonderful friend but He
can be a very dangerous enemy.
So, how do I get maximum blessing from all
these Father - my biological father, my spiritual father and Abba Father?
To get maximum blessing from your Biological
Father: the Bible says in Exodus 20
verse 12: honour him.
If you honour him, you will live long.
Make him happy.
If your biological father is still alive,
take my word now, as soon as you have the opportunity,
do something that will make him happy so he
can bless you from the bottom of his heart (Genesis 27 verse 1 to 4)
I wish I have time to treat all that but I
will encourage you get the tape of the Divine Encounter of last Monday, May 1;
get that tape, it will tell you a little more about what will happen if you
make your father happy (Biological Father).
What do I do to get maximum benefit from my
Spiritual Father?
Thank You Father.
The Lord says there is someone here tonight, He
said, you have done much for Me, I will reward you greatly.
The Lord asks me to tell someone here tonight, He
said the fellow will understand, He said, I will give you rest.
In Genesis 27 verse 1 to 4 - when Isaac was
old and he was about to die and he called his son and he said, give me
something that I like, let me enjoy and then I will pronounce a blessing on
In the case of Spiritual Dad, 1Timothy
chapter 5 verse 17, the Bible says you should give your spiritual father double
You are to honour your parents - biological;
the elders that rule well, God said, give him double honour particularly the
one who is labouring over you in more than a doctrine - take care of you
Pastors; give them double honour if you want to get maximum benefits from your
Spiritual Pastor.
The Bible says, if you receive a Prophet in
the name of a Prophet, you will receive a Prophet reward.
Elisha was ministering to Elijah (2Kings
chapter 3 verse 11 to 12), he was pouring water on the hand of Elijah. No
wonder he ended up with a double portion of his spirit.
Take care of your spiritual father because
you don't even know where you are going; you don't know how you are going to
When I became born-again, if somebody told me
the moment I become born-again that I will become a Pastor, I would have
backslide immediately and I mean immediately.
Because I look at the life of the Pastors
then, God have mercy.
So, my wife and I we made it a point of
duty..., we were not rich but at least was a Lecturer in the University and she
was teaching in a High School, we had a little more than the Pastors.
So, we just made it our duty to give them
little things at a time, not too much: something of milk, of ovatine, something
small from time to time; never knowing that I will one day become a full time
If anybody told me, if a prophet looked at me
when I gave my life to Jesus and said, one day, you will be... oh no! I would
have backslide immediately.
So, you too don't know how you are going to
end; the Law of Harvest is there: what you sow, you will reap.
What do I do to get maximum benefits from
Abba Father?
Malachi chapter 1 verse 6 - God said, a son
honour his father, a servant honour his master; He said, if I be your father, where
is my honour?
In other words, what is God saying?
You want maximum benefit from Me, honour me.
In 1Samuel chapter 2 verse 30, He said,
whosoever honour Me, I will honour.
In Proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 to 10, the
Bible says, honour the Lord with your substance and with the first fruit of
your increase; it said, then, watch God respond; watch what God will do as a
I am going to ask you to pray just one more
prayer; we will continue the reminder in Abba part 5 and if we don't finish
with Abba part 5 we go on with Abba part 6; then if we don't finish, we go on
to Abba part 7, we just keep going until the Almighty God says enough is
I want you to stand on your feet and pray
this prayer with all your heart and say: Abba Father, I will honour my
parent biological and spiritual and I will honour You, beginning from now all
the blessing that a child can enjoy, pour it on me O Lord.
I will honour my biological parent, I will
honour my spiritual parent, I will honour You O God, all the blessing that a
child can enjoy, pour on me O Lord; pour on me O Lord. All the blessings that
is it possible for any human being to enjoy because I will honour my biological
parent, I will honour my spiritual parent, I will honour You Abba Father,
All the blessing that is possible for any
human being to enjoy, pour on me O Lord; pour on me. Thank You Father.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
I want you to pray one more prayer.
Lift your voice to Him and say: Abba
Father, the kind of blessings that I will say this is too much let me begin to
experience it now.
Open your mouth and call on the Almighty God.
That kind of blessing that I will say Father
this is becoming too much, this is becoming too much, this is becoming too
much, that kind of blessing Father pour it on me now, pour it on me now.
That kind of blessing that I will say Father
this is becoming too much pour it on me now beginning from this moment to the
glory of Your holy name. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
I want to stop but I am led by the Spirit of
God to pray this one more prayer and I beg you to pray it with all your heart
because this is not me, this is God now.
Lift your voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, let
me be far far greater than my parent and let my children be greater than I.
Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.
Let me be far far greater than my parent and
let my children be far far greater than I. No matter how greater I become,
Father, let my children be far far greater than I. let me be far far greater
than my parent and let my children be far far greater than I. Let me excel, let
me go far far beyond my parent and let my children go far far beyond me; let my
children go far far beyond me Lord; let my children be far far greater than I -
far far greater; only You can make it possible, make it possible Lord; make it
possible O Lord. Thank You Father. Let my children surpass me; let them be
greater than I. Please Lord, do it; only You can do it, please go ahead and do
it. Thank You Almighty God. Thank You Father.
In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Lift your hands to God I want to pronounce a
blessing on you; even if I am doing it on credit, I know you will pay for it
back later.
Father in the mighty name of Jesus, You know all
things, nothing can be hiding from You, so You know the desire of my heart: all
those who are genuinely my children, let them be greater than I - in anointing,
in power, in revelation knowledge, in closeness to God, let them be greater than
I. And You know what Father, I beg You tonight, let it begin to happen
while I am still alive; let the result of this my prayer begin to manifest
right now. Thank You my Father. So let it be.
In Jesus mighty name we prayed.
Well, go ahead lift your hands to Him and
bless Him; give Him glory; praise His holy name. Thank You Father.
Let me hear a blessed hallelujah.